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Adderall in the morning

You mentioned waiting before consuming caffeine, is it also better to wait before consuming adderall?

Usher’s Syndrome

My daughter is diagnosed with US-2C. Have you worked with any patients with this diagnosis? What are your thoughts on deliberate sun/light exposure in someone with US and retinitis pigmentosa. Thank you for your time.

Optimizing To-Do Lists

What's the most effective method for creating a to-do list that optimizes for factors such as decision fatigue, cognitive load, working memory limits, framing effects, planning bias, choice overload, rosy retrospection, optimism bias, and other relevant considerations?

How and when to taper off SSRIs

I have been hearing more about how information on SSRIs is generally created and supported by the pharmaceutical industry, and less by good research. In addition it seems that as people become reliant on them, if they try to cut back on using SSRIs withdrawal can occur if they aren’t tapered off slowly. The withdrawal symptoms look a lot like depression, prompting the doctor and patient to assume the ‘brain chemistry imbalance’ is recurring and they go back on the meds. I’d like to know more about the science of these meds, the true effects on our health, whether they should be used long term or as a short-term support, etc. Thanks for your interest in sharing science!

Although caffieine increases motivation/focus transiently, would abstaining from it completely lead to improved sleep quality and more motivation/focus?

I understand that if using caffeine it is important to have it 90 minutes after waking so that you avoid a crash and metabolize it by the time you sleep. I have also heard from the podcast that caffeine can increase the amount of dopamine receptors in the brain which I believe is a positive effect. As a long time caffeine user, I wonder if abstaining from it completely would actually lead to more available dopamine in the brain, as one is not exhausting dopamine stores through caffeine use, and synergistic-ally improve sleep quality as we know zero caffeine in the system improves the quality of sleep. I love caffeine in many different forms but my goal is optimize my energy levels and sleep quality.