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Salt Intake Risk

I follow your recommendation of eating half a teaspoon of salt shortly after awakening, and I also consume an LMNT package daily; and I read "The Salt Fix" which you recommended and found it convincing. I feel like my health has improved based on higher salt intake (tension headaches and brain fog gone). I saw this article -,in%20European%20Heart%20Journal%20Open - regarding a study showing concerns about salt intake even with people who have normal blood pressure. How concerned are you about this study and any other recent salt-related studies? Thanks, Andrew Gurman

Cold shower

If I take a cold shower more than one time a day, do i get the same dopamine rush?

Toolkit for emotional regulation, science behind the neurochemistry

I've been having some struggles navigating personal relationships. It can be fairly easy for people to cross boundaries and slight or perceive a slight to themselves so I imagine this might be a common issue outside of just mine. But I can be a very emotionally charged person despite not outwardly showing it in obvious ways and that can lead to me having a very narrow perspective in arguments. My question boils down to whether there is a consistent toolkit to maintain emotional composure and prevent spikes in anger, insecurity, or other emotions that when peaked high enough, can accentuate turmoil in relationships?

Life long Depersonalization and Derealization

Hello, my name is Anthony. Since I was 13 I have suffered with chronic depersonalization and derealization. Chronic meaning for every second of everyday the world and reality never seems real and I feel detached. I dont know what reality feels like anymore since it has been so long. I was at one point diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of 14 but they diagnosis was taken back since I don't express a lot of other symptoms. The episode started after 1 instance of smoking weed at 13, I blacked out and came to and this has been my life ever since. I took Risperdal for years, bruproporin, I did 36 sessions of TMS therapy, nothing has fixed this sensation. I haven't smoked weed since 15, haven't drank alcohol since 21, never did any hard drugs and I am 27 now and it has gotten so severe where some moments I am truly unsure if I'm dead or alive. I did test positive for Bartonella if that's relevant. I wanted to give as much information as I can to lead up to this question, what do you know of Depersonalization/Derealization and is there anything I can do that you know of that can combat and correct this so I can someday understand what reality is supposed to feel like? I take cold showers everyday, I do my best to Meditate but due to my lack of grasp on reality its very difficult to focus enough to meditate. Its very debilitating, tends to make me nihilistic and makes it difficult to put effort into improving my life. Any advice is helpful and any information as to understanding what this psychological issue really is will be greatly appreciated. I have seen countless psychiatrist and all have no advice nor protocol to treating specifically depersonalization and derealization. I'm committed to someday beating this, even though it sucks I have no desire to quit life and give up so I will absolutely do whatever it takes until my old age. Thank you for having this premium subscription so I can ask these questions and I hope you find time to answer this. Regardless your podcast keeps me hopeful and helps make the days easier so I will always be a daily listener. Take care and thank you again!