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Minerals: K, Mg, Na

I'd like you to comment on the relationship of these 3 basic minerals. What's their relationship and ratio. Can we achieve optimal levels of them with food? if supplemented, can our body excret them if they are in excess? What's the best supplementation formula? There some information about Na and Mg but I haven't found much about Potassium. Thanks

Breathing and iron deficiency anemia

Reading James Nestor and Patrick McKeown books about breathing I haven't found any information regarding iron deficiency anemia and the capacity of oxygenate our cells but it seems to be related. Could you talk about this, please? How they affect each other? Is there any way to improve our iron absorption? Any specific breathwork to improve body oxigenation if one suffers iron deficiency anemia? Thanks

minoxidil form

which do you think works best - oral or topical minoxidil for men and women (any dosing recommendations also appreciated!)

Varicose veins treatment, remedies and prevention.

What would be some ways of treating for example bad bulging veins in legs, also preventing them from appearing if they run in the family while they are still not present? Preventing varicose veins in testicles or other spots due to sitting on work long time etc. Or managing the pain if they are already present. Thank you!

Meditation, interoception, and thoughts

I had a quick question about interoception. You mentioned it is everything skin level and deep. Would thoughts and emotions also be considered interoceptive? In traditional meditation, it is encouraged to think about bodily sensations rather than thoughts. I am not sure if there are any medications that guide you to notice spontaneous thoughts.