Ask Me Anything

with Huberman Lab Premium

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Skin Care

I see you recently did an episode on hair growth. I wonder if you would consider doing something similar about skin. There are so many unscientific bogus claims and expensive useless products out there. It's a mine field for people who have problems with their skin like acne or who just want to maintain healthy skin as they age. Would you consider doing an episode on skin and what the science says about skin care and what foundational behaviors support healthy skin?

Dopamine Value

Hi Andrew I love your work especially your dives into Dopamine. What an interesting chemical. As I understand you often say anything can cause a dopamine release. Am I correct in understanding in some sense the meaning a person assigns a task shapes dopamine release? So for some a workout may be a huge release others none, similarly, for some a beer might be for others it's disgusting. I would love to hear any thoughts on that idea why can anything produce dopamine?

Change: moving from Knowledge into Action

What research is there on moving from knowledge into action? I have so much knowledge but struggle to put this knowledge into practise to make positive changes around behaviours and habits.

Skill learning and cold exposure.

Hello. I have read the transcript from podcast number 20 several times now. You state that "Increasing your baseline levels of dopamin prior to learning is bad" and "Increasing your dopamin levels before learning using pharmacacology will actually reduce the signal to noise" My question is does this include taking cold showers? I am trying to learn how to box. Does taking cold showers before my practice hinder the process? Thank you for all of the knowledge you provide.

Dog and horse trauma therapy

I recently read Dr. Bessel van der Kolk's 'The Body Keeps The Score', a great book. Somewhere he mentions that dogs and horses can have a powerful role in the alleviating and treating trauma. Given your love for dogs and animals, it'd be really to fascinating (and probably fun for you) to have you review the literature and provide actionable tools for those who suffer from trauma. I'm especially interested in the literature around dogs: what breeds have been studied, what factors go into choosing the "right" breed for a particular person, how to build rapport with your dog?