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Endocrine Disruptors

Discussion on common endocrine disruptors and avoidance strategies for these chemicals.

Transference of Skill/ Practice into Game Performance

How to best transfer practice into game performance for any sports?

Best stretching protocol for athletes

I am an athlete and stretch every morning for about 30 minutes (more dynamic, less but some static) before going to the gym, as well as stretching after my workout (static). I choose to do this because I believe it helps prevent injury and allows me to train at a high intensity, as well as providing a moving meditation upon waking. However, I can't ignore how much time it all takes. What is the most efficient protocol for stretching pre and post-workout and dynamic versus static, etc? Thank you.

CBD derived from Hemp to manage anxiety and seizures

Hi Andrew, thank you so much for your dedication to creating the rich content on your podcast. I’m proud to be a member of your premium channel. On Episode 92, you spoke on the long-term use of Cannabis and increased anxiety. My question is: does it apply to CBD derived from Hemp? Since 2018, I have been taking CV Science’s CBD 15mg Gel Capsules 2x/day to reduce my anxiety to manage seizures. It does not have THC. On the Supplement Facts, it is from Hemp extract (Aerial Plant Parts) is 60 mg (Cannabidiol (CBD) 15mg). My medical background: I am 55 years old. In Nov 2006 I had a craniotomy at UCLA. Dr. Linda Liau successfully removed 95% of the GBM on the Left frontal lobe. I have been on seizure medications since and seizure free until 2018. Unfortunately, the Dec 2021 MRI shows there is a tumor re-growth. Through flip book, Dr. Cloughesy (UCLA Neuro-oncologist) was able to tell the tumor has been slowly growing since 2018. Prescriptions: The anti-seizures medications that I have been taking are Lamotrigine 200 mg tablets 2x/day and Brivaracetam 100 mg tablets 2x/day. Since end of February 2022 to manage the tumor (size of an almond), I have been taking Tibsovo 250mg – 2 tablets/day. In August 2021, FDA approved Tibsovo for Leukemia. There was a clinical trial conducted at UCLA for recurring brain tumor, but the outcome did not meet FDA approval criteria. Every 3 months, I have EKG/Blood work/MRI and visit with Dr. Cloughesy. The flipbook result on Sept 30th shows no growth and no clear shrinkage. The next MRI is Dec 2022. I greatly appreciate your opinion on LT use of CBD derived from Hemp’s effect on anxiety.

Nuts - soak, soak & roast, roast?

Hi Dr. Huberman - thank you so much for doing such an amazing job of educating us with the latest in science! I am not a scientist, but I love hearing and understanding what you share with us. I have a question about nuts. I eat them daily and i roast them because I've been told that there is an enzyme that will inhibit the absorption of their nutrients, if they aren't roasted before eating. I've also been told to just soak or to soak and roast them. Is any of this true? Thank you so much and I look forward to your reply. Best wishes, Jen.