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Muscle/strength memory from decades ago

I recently started working out (6 months) to get sober after about a decade of heavy alcohol use and found my pushups went from maybe a dozen rough ones to now it seems like I can pushup forever. I just turned 46 and was in the army, kinda starting with ROTC where I maxed the apft from 18-25ish and then the drinking just got worse while the exercise went to nothing. I was practically welded to a lazy boy for the last decade drinking a handle or two over 2-4 days and then withdrawing for 3-5. Anyway I just started running and noticed i feel like i'm almost having a heart attack when I sprint for a few seconds but I know I was hitting sub 5 min miles and was wondering if it seems likely that i will have a similar effect and go from 10ish miles to 5ish just from how great i'm feeling. I think my situps are in between pushups and run in terms of how long i can do them. I also am trying the fast/feed 16/8 with keto and whole foods with the major supplements protein, creatine, etc. I am now in a 24 hr fast period with 1 big meal cause I want to get down to 10% and i'm at 15. I also vape nicotine and weed. I'm trying to switch them to patch and edibles but those don't quite seem to do it. I do feel ridiculous energy from I think fasting and even feel kinda buzzed, high and not hungry at all. I make sure to get at least 100 grams of proteins with whole food eggs/dairy/meat/fish/nuts and some veggies. My sleep is one area that kinda bothers me which is why i asked about olanzapine. my semi new therapist and brand new one acted like it was an emergency and I HAD to take these because I was having a manic episode BUT I was so excited by how great this keto/fast/exercise was working. I've NEVER taken anti-psy and when I read about some of the stories on this it freaked me out and made me peeved at these two therapists. One should call me today and i'm going to find out what they were thinking. Any advice would be great, thanks.

Anticholinergics and cognitive function

Hi, I take an Anticholinergic, specifically Oxybutynin for hyperhydrosis on my trunk. I have heard you mention a lot taking choline for brain enhancing effects. Given I assume Anticholinergics are the opposite of taking Choline am I ruining my brain function and cognitive abilities? If taking an Anticholinergics is there a supplement to cancel out the negative effects whilst maintaining its effectiveness against hyperhydrosis? For reference I am mid 30’s, lean, healthy and athletic.

walking with anxiety

apparently (perhaps, maybe) we are all wading through circumstances that would contribute to heretofore unprecedented /historic levels of anxiety. Coping with anxiety can take many "forms" (if I am understanding anecdotal evidence, is there clinical evidence?) - all manner of active perseverating such as gambling, porn, exercise, OCD, intrusive thoughts. perfectionism, performance based esteem seeking, stimulant or alcohol fixation (likely many others). any of those things can be something else other than anxiety, granted, but anxiety has saturated our lives of late (or maybe I am listening to the wrong podcasts) Coping with stress has to be a part of all of our mental health, right? So when does, let's say my husbands coping strategies turn into red flags that maybe/perhaps indicate he is going off the rails (hypothetically, of course)? I wouldn't see myself becoming "unglued" unless I saw it/ heard it from my inner circle of peeps but in my experience we "clam up" in those circumstance because we lack the confidence, authority but not the concern & compassion. So my grand question is : how can we be good caretakers of the mental health of those around us and how do we innoculate our loved ones to the prepare them for the day that may (or may not, hopefully) come when we have to say "take a look at this, you might need some help" . Honestly, nobody faults someone who needs insulin support, why would we look unfavorably on neurological support? anyone?

Cooling glove better than steroids, improving pull-ups by 144%. Too good to be true?

Is the science behind palmar cooling sound? I am not truly convinced by the studies I've looked up as most of them seem to be lacking something important. I think there is a placebo effect occurring. Are there any studies that provide more convincing evidence, such as double-blind and controlled experiments? How confident are you that it truly works? And what alternatives can normal people use instead of the expensive cooling glove? How fast can a thermal barrier occur if you are holding a cold metal bar? Would that work if it is the right temperature?

Supplements during breastfeeding

I am curious how safe different supplements and intermittent fasting are during pregnancy. I took NAD+ boosters and coq-10 and did 16 hr intermittent fasting before getting pregnant with my third child at 46. Since I’m getting close to 50 I want to keep doing various things to extend my health span, but I can’t find good info on what’s safe while breastfeeding. I breastfed my other kids for 2 years each. Just turned 47 and my baby is only 4 months old. Thanks!