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Post-Exercise Syncope (PES)

I am a 66yo male who trains 4-5 times/week. My weight is normal. I've had a half-dozen episodes of PES within 15-45 mins after vigorous exercise, most recently while driving, resulting in a potentially-fatal head-on collision, which I fortunately walked away from. I was relatively dehydrated before it occurred, with low potassium, low magnesium, and low phosphorus. All are now normal after IV repletion. Upon awakening, always clammy, pale, with strong urge to defecate, all pointing to increased vagal tone. Occasionally become lightheaded during workouts when doing whole-body moves and legs, exacerbated by breath-holding. Resting EKG, resting echo, all neuroimaging are normal. Being worked up by electrophysiology, neurology, and cardiovascular medicine, including getting an implanted loop recorder, EEG, stress-testing, and tilt-table testing. Any diagnostic or preventative tools, including dietary supplements, that you can suggest would be greatly appreciated.

effects of severe trauma on dopamine receptors?

Can severe trauma, PTSD, cause long term damage to dopamine receptors?

Addressing Muscular Imbalances in an Advanced, Non-Professional Athlete

I am a 32-year-old female with several years of weight training experience, having started in 2020 during the pandemic. While I consider myself an advanced athlete, I am not a professional. I've noticed that I have different strengths and mobility levels on each side of my body; for example, my left arm is weaker than my right, but my left shoulder is stronger. This imbalance extends to my legs and other body parts as well. What are the best training methods or strategies to address and correct these muscular imbalances?

How to balance breathing problems and sleep apnea with a quest for better cardiovascular health?

Hello I seem to have multiple compounding breathing problems: Light asthma, severe sleep apnea and seasonal allergies. Despite this I'd like to be more active and improve cardiovascular capacity even though I'm 42yrs old. I've always been drawn to weight lifting because the breathing component is not sustained but can't seem to crack the nut to make myself comfortably jog just 5k. It's always burning of my lungs and inability to pull down enough air. Any advice or strategies for tackling that other than just pace myself slower than everyone else around me and stick with it?


Hi Andrew, I have just subscribed as I love your podcasts and I am a fan of David Saint Clair. I am struggling to find the best company for my supplements. I use Renue for my NMN reservatrol and other supplements but wonder if You agree it’s the best company out there. I am not that sensitive to price. I just want the best and highest quality supplements. Kind regards Anne