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Brain injury from vaping (THC)

VERY long story short I had a brain injury from vaping (THC) what should i do? Ive heard you mention something about this briefly on your cannabis episode and on the joe rogan podcast. Any test's i should get? Any special place i can go to get checked out? Although my condition isn't curable so i do ask myself what is the point. I have been permanently "high" for years and never came "down" from a certain incident. (I vaped so much i passed out / fell asleep only to wake up still high with extreme tunnel vision and beyond extreme anxiety (kind of like someone pointing a gun at my head, wich made me ask myself every second of the day "Am i about to die"). I wouldn't be surprised if 10 years of my life was taken off by this amount of anxiety I had been experiencing. I have gone to a neurologist, they said there is no data on it and then i was recommended to a phycologist to treat my symptoms. Thankfully i finally gave in to take some anxiety meds wich helped alot with that part but still feel permanently high. At this point after 5 years i finally accepted that this is NON reversible but at the same time i wish someone could diagnose me with something. I could write a book on how many weird symptoms i have experienced and how i feel so i will stop here. I am worried i will have dementia or AD by the time i am in my 40s. I do have a theory that over heating played a factor here, i might have over heated my brain possibly during this vaping incident as i would get really hot and have to take clothes off and have a fan blasting me at this point. I was vaping 16 + hours a day when this happened with very high THC %.

Psychological erectile dysfunction

What are the best way to approach psychological ED? Can we also have an episode on men sexual health in general?

lowering sex drive

Is there a way to substantially lower or completely kill sex drive via supplements or diet?

Night shifter

Ok, been a night shifter for years. Sleep well, super long on days off, have good health in mind and body, and am an optimist. Blessed with a good countenance, and deep faith in God. Just starting listening to your sleep podcast. You’re freaking me out! I’m 61, and a police dispatcher. Am I screwed? PS married to a cop, 9 years younger, retiring soon. I hair 2 years left.

Why is it so hard to wake up and stop snoozing my alarm?

This seems to be a bad habit I've battled for years. No matter if I get 10 hours or 4 hours of sleep. I find the typical 7-8 hours gives me plenty of energy throughout the day, and falling asleep is easy. So why am I so tired and groggy waking up? To the point of falling back asleep through multiple alarms.