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Stimulants that suppose to increase focus don't work on me.

Caffeine(Coffee, strong tea, caffeine pill) : no increase in focus, only noticeable effect is higher doses cause some anxiety. No problems sleeping after. In fact, might make me a bit drowsy after. Nicotine gum and cigarete: no increase in focus, only cause a bit of dizziness and headache (basically opposite effect). The C drug : no noticeable effect. Why is this? And what other alternatives does someone like me have if I want to improve my focus? *I am of 37 year old male of healthy weight and exercise plenty, sleep 6-7 hours usually since young, if these matter. Thanks!

mind-body connection in autoimmune diseases, their onset and remission

There exist protocols for the remission of autoimmune diseases, like Dr. Terry Wahls specializing in MS or Dr. Izabella Wentz specializing in Hashimoto's. Such protocols include detoxification, nutrition, supplementation, and exercise but also talk about the role of the mind-body connection in the onset of the autoimmune disease as well as its remission. I would like to learn more about this connection, remission of autoimmune conditions, and how the work on the mindset can support remission. Many thanks!

Pellet testosterone vs injection

Hey Andrew, my T is around 322 so I’m looking in to TRT. I have been offered pellets instead of injections. I know there are trade off with everything, but are the more inherently risky then injections?

Skin health and eczema

Can you please do an episode on skin health and skin conditions, particularly eczema?

Weight Loss Rate

What is healthy rate for weekly weight loss?