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Is the brain naturally pessimistic?

Saw this video, I wanted your take on it.

joint distraction

have you done any investigation into joint distraction to reduce arthritis and improve joints? (See article below). I had very positive result from having my ankle distracted 12 years ago. Before distraction I could only walk maybe 100 yards without significant pain. Ankle specialist at Hopkins and Georgetown said only solution would be total ankle replacement. I had a doctor at the Hospital for Special Surgery try ankle distraction 12 years ago (I had a fixator bolted to my leg, pulling my ankle joint apart, for 4 months!). I can now walk 10 miles pain free with only minor pain the next day. I am now trying to use inversion table 3 times a week for 10 minutes to see if it helps my knees. I think it has but maybe just placebo effect. I can't find any studies where they have tried inversion to distract and help knees. So I am turning to you to see if you are aware of any. Might be something interesting for you guys to investigate

Body Recomposition - Gain Muscle & Lose Fat

Hi there! I know you already have multiple episodes on fitness involving hypertrophy, strength training (loved your conversations with Andy Galpin!), and fat loss, though I was wondering if you have any protocols for body recomposition for those who aren’t new to the gym. That is, a protocol to gain muscle and lose fat simultaneously, or at least lose fat and maintain your muscle mass. Thank you so much in advance, your content is amazingly interesting!

External brainwave stimulator I.e. pemf for neurofeedback training and safety concerns

There are couple of pmef device on the market and myself purchased one from Omnipemf ( I have ADHD and I can tell the instant change in brain state when on Beta wave. I have to say that changing of state in a snap is quite exciting and promising. Recent days I rely quite heavily on it to let myself quickly get to sleep, to rest, and to begin working on tedious tasks. Yet it worries me if it is safe to externally force my brain to undergo certain brainwave frequency. Is there any legit advice on the safety when utilising these device? If it’s in the lab, is similar technique used to do neurofeedback training? What possible backlashes would occur if the brainwaves wasn’t changed gradually and naturally? Can’t wait for your elaboration on this ! 🙌🏻

Rewiring while sleeping

Does taking Lorazapam at night decrease sleep rewiring and enforcement of learning during the day.