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Infrared Saunas

I am interested in buying a sauna and I would like mu 86 year old mother with early Dementia and vascular problems to be able to use it. I am aware of all Finnish research around tradition saunas but I am not sure if it is as safe for someone as elderly as my mother and wondered it infrared would be better. I am hoping to delay her deterioration and improve her circulation

Ab stimulators

Do they work? Which ones are most effective?

Colonic Irrigation

I am wanting to know if colonic irrigation his is a really good health benefit intervention?

Skin elasticity

Is there anyway to improve skin elasticity as you get older?

I am grateful.

I am grateful that you have introduced the NSDR to the public. It definitely has made sleep quality much better. Quite an amazing tool. It would be interesting to have episodes inviting top professional explaining how they prepare and train themselves mentally in different fields: Mathematicians, Physicists, Chemists, Biologists, Architects, Designers, Salesman, and Olympic Athletes. How their routines correspond to the current knowledge on neurological functions and physiology. Thank you!