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Supplements for a woman in her early seventies with no underlying conditions

Hello! I’ve been wondering on the best supplements for my mother to take for her long term health. She has a hard time swallowing some larger sized pills. She is starting to have osteopenia but no other issues and has regular check ups and blood panels. I had her taking NAD/NMN but had her stop due to some of the negative reviews about it replicating potential cancer cells since we have a family history of cancer. What are the most important supplements for her to take? Money is not an issue. Thank you so much in advance

Vision loss

Could you do an entire episode specifically to vision loss? How it is relates to toxins as in drugs, mold, Lyme viruses from environmental toxins How it’s related to the gut microbiome You have mentioned for people to see a neuro Opthamologist’s. These drs are not up to date or deny the above reasons related to vision loss CIRCULATION in the eye and how detrimental it is to not losing vision or stopping vision loss

Hot and Cold Exposure

I am a Wim Hof Method Instructor, so I understand the benefits of cold exposure. I have listened to the Podcast on Sauna and understand the biggest benefit of Heat exposure getting the growth hormones, also some similar benefits to the cold exposure. I am not a body builder, so growth hormones is not of interest. For the normal person, is there any further benefits of doing both Sauna and Cold exposure, rather than just doing the cold exposure on its own?


Hi Andrew, I listened to you discuss the supplement NAD and how to use it. Is there benefit in taking as a supplement? Thank you, Marc

Social Anxiety

I have severe social anxiety. I have listened to your 'AMA #4: Maintain Motivation, Improve REM Sleep, Set Goals, Manage Anxiety & More' episode, there you have said that inhaling fast two times and exhaling slow reduces anxiety. Also i have listened Lex Fridman interview with you, in that interview you said that every time one has an anxiety attack he should imagine that he is only excited which also helps in calming the nerves. Is there a way to lower my social anxiety and panic attacks. Can I control it or channel it in some way?