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Cognitive Rehab

Many physicians experience burnout, but there are not many effective programs (if any) that help "rehab out" of burnout state, particularly for cognitive function. i am curious if you have such program, or if you know what tools woud be effective for "cornitive rehabilitation" that would allow improvement in mental and emotional load tolerance/resistance, mantal task efficiency, resilliance, maintain focus longer or recover better/faster after difficult call or sleep deprivation. In physical rehab after brain injury or illness, or other physical injury, there is an acute and intense program, and there is a long term/maintenance part. I am hoping you may have an anwer for both, but applied to recovery after burnout, for those who want to return to pre-burnout work quality. Any help in this regard or recommendations re resources will be much appreciated.

Effects of phone usage on teens

Hello, I have 13 year old daughter who would really like a smart phone. I’ve held off because a) it’s addictive and can end up replacing hobbies (i.e., spending more time scrolling than reading, painting, fill-in-the- blank) b) we have a mental health crisis happening with young girls and I believe constant connection and social media/texting are part of what’s fueling it, and c) it can disrupt sleep. My daughter has access to an iPad so she can text and stay connected to friends that way. She just doesn’t have unfettered access and can’t carry it with her everywhere. I’ve read a lot about this topic but would love to hear a summary of the latest findings on teens usage of phones/social media/scrolling. I’m particularly interested I how it impacts mental health and brain development. Thanks!

Necessity of having Lutein supplement

At the age of 45, I ve been told by my optometrist to take Lutein supplements. Is it science based ? What is the optimum dose? What is the efficacy ? Thank you.


If used, Is mineral based sunscreen with Zinc and titanium dioxside only the safer ones to use? How about ones with avobenzone, ensulizole, homosalate, octinoxate, octisalate, and oxybenzone? Asking for both kids and adults


Can you talk about your thoughts on neurofeedback? I have been doing it for several months and am not sure if it is helping.