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Idiopathic uveitis

If you have Dr Russell Van Gelder on, as mentioned in your AMA #6 Podcast released on 04/27/2023, could you please speak about idiopathic uveitis? I've had this condition for over 12 years. I have had random flare-ups of psoriasis, which I understand can be connected to uevitis, but no other conditions or symptoms that are commonly associated. I would love to better understand if there are any lifestyle changes that have a solid track record of helping prevent flare-ups. There seems to be a wide range of things that work for some and not others and it’s not easy to discern any pattern or consistencies, if any.

Acid Reflux (GERD)

You could probably do an entire episode on this (and it would be very much appreciated). I've suffered from acid reflux since my mid-teens, never able to precisely isolate all of the factors that go into causing it. Among things I'd be interested in: 1. Ways to mitigate it without medication (foods to try cutting out, putting food in your stomach before coffee, etc.) 2. Does taking PPIs or other type of acid reflux medication longterm indeed lead to undesirable outcomes such as heightened risk for dementia? A lot of us decide that we'd rather take the meds and live our lives (i.e. drink coffee and eat tomato-based things) than eat a bland diet to avoid having to take meds. 3. Myths (or are they?) - lots of folks recommend taking apple cider vinegar (which on the surface seems to make no sense) every day to mitigate symptoms Anything related to this would be much appreciated. Thanks for what you do!


For a newbie, if we are looking to optimize health, physical performance, cognitive function, vitality etc, by looking at bloodwork, what are the most important markers to look for (the 80/20 so to speak)? I have heard that ratios are more important than set ranges for different hormone levels, bloodmarkers etc. What are some general, helpful heuristics we can use to interpret our bloodwork as well as blood measurements and ratios you recommend having analyzed and optimized for? Might be worth having Dan Garner as a guest on. Also, thanks for everything. You've improved my life and health dramatically.

Older age healthy weigh loss with ADHD spectrum, and other metabolic syndrome comorbidities. How to adopt "friction"?

How to sustainable loose 100 pounsds from 280 (gained after traumatic grad experiences) with minimum health impact when old - over 55 year old Adding comorbitidies depression , ADHD and PTSD emotional eating. Maintaining all this by following, as stoicly posible some protocols (light therapy, mindfulness, psychological suport and psychiatric outpatient follow-up. BAsically I understand the advantages (former clinical and abused multiple med graduate and postgrad hoarer - that triggered the crash and burn). I struggle with fogines of direction and "grit" or "frictioon".

Jack Kruse’s ideas seem to be extremely interesting (light being more fundamental to the foundation of our life than we expected) yet I have not seen any follow up from you

Can you please address what your plan is to integrate the information Jack shared around blue light, leptin, overall health? I’m spending more time reading his work and realizing how many of my daily ailments are resolved by blocking blue light at night, and getting sunlight. You have mentioned this, but you have undersold its importance, as well as mentioned it’s okay to wear contact lenses/glasses. Thank you very much for what you do!