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Imposter Syndrone

I often wonder whether Huberman, like me, experiences imposter syndrome. Sometimes, I feel that the topic I specialize in is too easy compared to others - many successful people say that their work is easy, even if it's amazing - I still feel uncertain, and my self-criticizing thoughts are very strong. I sometimes think of myself as a failure. I know that simply thinking about how good I am isn't enough. To deal with these feelings, I have a few strategies. One is to remind me that I've done my best and that I don't have complete free will to control my situation( as Robert Sapolsky has said). Another is to try to become interested in my own experience of imposter syndrome( as suggested by Paul Conti). Finally, I sometimes use self-hypnosis, (from David Spiegel). These approaches usually work for me, although sometimes my negative thoughts are so deep-seated that they are harder to combat. I wonder whether you also experience imposter syndrome and, if so, how you deal with it. Lastly, I want to mention that getting regular morning sunlight has helped me feel more confident and positive (smile).

Apigenin -Women- momentous sleep pack

Hi Andrew, I have been using momentus sleep pack for a few months now. I’m 51 & on the cusp of going into metapause. I have had very long stretches without my cycle, 9 months for example. I just read an article with someone going through your sleep supplements suggestions & it says Apigenin can suppress estrogen. I didn’t realize this! Yikes! Should I stop taking the momentus sleep packs & get your “bundle” without Apigenin? I haven’t taken Inositol yet but could swap Apigenin for it? Any deeper thoughts or suggestions for me or other women my age would be so appreciated. I’ve been telling my friends (fellow women my age) to take the sleep packs & want to make sure I haven’t given them the wrong advice. Thank you my friend 🌻 Leslie from encinitas but born & raised in Portola Valley

Website for peer-reviewed publications?

I can't remember the name/URL for the site Dr. Huberman often references as a good resource for finding peer-reviewed articles in the sciences...could someone kindly share it with me? Thanks in advance :)

Motivational Techniques for Team Management

Expanding beyond what you have spoken about for motivation and reward pathways. What are some techniques or environment setups to inspire a team, promote healthy competition, and get people to want to do their best? And perhaps how to maintain or reignite that spark once compensation and other rewards are no longer motivating and members of the team settle into a lull.

Too much dopamine!

Hi, my son is almost 4 years old and he is autistic. After several genetic and metabolic tests, doctors found that he have too much dopamine and serotonin, he also have genetic mutation with slowed decomposition of dopamine and serotonin. Is there any supplements (outside pharmaceutical gaba) that can help with this process?