Ask Me Anything

with Huberman Lab Premium

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Was this done with your knowledge? Is this really what you recommend or endorse?

Managing dust, pollen and other allergies

Many people these days have allergies to things we can’t avoid - dust, pollen. Are there protocols that can help manage these allergies better? Either managing the symptoms like sneezing, runny nose and eyes or in improving our resistance to the allergies

Glaucoma protocols

My family has a history of Glaucoma with my dad having 20% total vision at the moment. I get my eye pressure checked every year and I’m told one of the siblings has a higher chance of getting affected by glaucoma. Your lab specialised in Glaucoma previously. Are there any protocols to prevent or slow down Glaucoma? Is there a way to revert vision lost through Glaucoma? How do the protocols for sunlight viewing affect people with higher chances of Glaucoma?

How to optimise learning in children

The leaning protocols mentioned in the podcast most often are targeted for adults. Do these work on kids as well? Are there protocols specifically for children and how they learn? Are these foods that we should include for kids’ brain development? What are things to avoid for children that may hinder their development?

Updated Foundational Fitness Protocol?

I am curious if you have made changes to your foundational fitness protocol. Did your conversations with Andy Galpin change any perspectives or did reading "Outlive" have any impact? I enjoy following the current protocol but I am trying to figure out how to incorporate all the new info from Galpin and Attia. Thank you for what you do.