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Ear worm / Sticky songs

Why do we get ear worms? What determines if we get them (certain rythms, liking of the song, current emotional/mental state)? Is there a way to get rid of an ear worm?

Morning routines

My morning routines are: fasted cardio, cold shower and breathing exercises. What would be best order to perform them? Thank you very much ❤️

Dr. Jack Kruse

Andrew, I am a Doctor of Chiropractic in NY and became a member to support you and the treasure trove of information you provide regarding health and performance. For that, I can't thank you enough for your commitment to science, and where it leads you & us, as well as with your boundless generosity for sharing it with us. After listening to parts 1 & 2 of you and Dr. Kruse on the Tetragrammaton podcast, my head is spinning. I simply want to know is Dr. Kruse a Messenger of Light or is he talking nonsense? I would love to know what your experience was while he was speaking to you and sitting in the same room with him over two days and many hours. Be well!

Massage Therapy - Great, Good, Neutral?

I don't think I've heard you speak about Massage. I feel like there are multiple benefits but wondering how you fit that into your framework of "good" as compared to Sauna, cold, meditation, sleep.

Gains have Plateaued

First off, let me quickly say I love your podcast and appreciate all the information you have put out there. Yours is one of the three main ones that I listen to every morning on my regular Ruck. My question: I have been stuck at 19-21% bodyfat and can't seem to break through that barrier, any recommendations for what I should try doing differently? About 2 years ago I got really into improving my health. I'm 32 years old, 6'4" and went from 260 lbs to now hovering around 210/215 and in some of the best shape of my life. I did this through diet and exercise, mainly lifting weights (4x a week) and rucking + running. For diet I started with carb cycling, and the last 3-4 months have been focused on just minimizing my total carb intake. For almost a year now I have been stuck at the same weight. While I am noticing modest strength gains, I am not able to shed bodyfat. I'm trying to cut that back while maintaining muscle mass and having a difficult time. My two goals for this year are to get to 12% bodyfat and to join the 1000 club (currently at 20% and 855). I know these goals are sightly contradictory. I go for a 1 mile ruck every morning, lift weights 4x a week for ~2hrs a day, and am monitoring what I eat. I have cut back on alcohol (still have a few drinks a couple of times a month). Any recommendations for something new I should try to break through this plateau? Are there common reasons some guys can't shed bodyfat?