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Viewing morning sunlight sneezes

I started to implement the morning sunlight viewing on a daily basis; it work wonders for my mood and energy. I have noticed - without fail, EVERY time, EVERY day, - when I look at the sun somewhat directly, I start sneezing. Why is this? Does the eye connect to the nose somehow, or is it neurological?

Thoughts on Polyphasic Sleep

The core concept of these extreme sleep schedules are to maximize the amount of REM sleep while minimizing the amount of Deep or Light sleep. The most famous one being the Uberman schedule which would theoretically condense the need for sleep down to 4 20-minute naps. This obviously isn't realistic or healthy since Deep sleep is critical, but some of the alternatives like 6 hours of core sleep and a 20 minute nap or 4 and a half hours of core sleep followed by 2 20 minute naps seem more doable. What does the research say on these types of intentional sleep schedules? Are they worth a try?

Thyroid, Statins, and ALS

If someone had their Thyroid removed then was put on a Statin for high cholesterol will it cause ALS symptoms? The person has been diagnosed with ALS but is still on the Statin. Where should I look for more information. I enjoy your podcast but it is difficult to find good information as a lay person. Thank you

Multiple Day Fasting and NAD

Hello Dr. Huberman, from what I have seen Dr. David Sinclair talk about how fasting raises your NAD levels and activates your Sirtuins, especially after 2 days of fasting, would it be in your opinion in any way better or more beneficial to take an NAD+ IV after the second day of a 3 day or 5 day fast to enhance the effects? Also, is there any research on this ?

How to Know which diet is optimal for you ?

While listening to some carnivore diet promoters or other dietary promoters which includes vegetables it seems clear that different people react to lectins, oxalates, phytates, and other plant chemicals worse than others. As I am looking to find the optimal diet for me I would like to know if there is any specific tests where I can see how my body reacts to these chemicals to see if I should avoid certain vegetables or not?