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Multi Day Fasting Research

Is there any research on the effects of aging and people doing 3-day fasts or longer multiple times a month? For example doing one every week and eating more in the 4 days that you are not ?

Methylene blue

What are the uses, mechanism of action, safety, and all MB effects on hormones, digestion, gut bacteria, and the brain? WHat would be the reasons not to take it? How often can this be taken for cognitive support? thank you

Optimal Wake Up Time

My wife wakes up at around 3:30am for work and even though she is tries to be very quiet it usually wakes me up. When I fall back asleep, I find that it is very hard for me to wake up when my alarm goes off, but I find myself waking up around 3:30 on my own now, even when she doesn't work. Should I make my new normal wake up time 3:30?

Cannot decide if I need caffeine or not

I am 39 years old and recently started drinking coffee/tea. Never been caffeine addicted. I am still not able to decide if I really need caffeine or just an afternoon nap. I think I don't get into deep sleep if I drink it just in the morning I do get angry a lot and noticed that having coffee helps me calm down. Super confused. How do I figure out if I really need that.

Stored body fats

Dr Chris Palmer in the podcast recommends low-fat keto type diet if you aim to lose fat because you would be getting your fat from your stored body fat. Is stored body fat the same composition as originally consumed - say I used to eat a SAD diet with inflammatory trans fats, will I be releasing all that in my system as I lose it? Should we have some way of mitigating the toxic effects of stored bad fats - if so, what would you recommend?