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How We Experience Passage of Time

How do we experience the passage of time? Does dopamine or aging have any effect on the experience?

How breathing impacts our time perception

Yesterday, following a long set of pushups, my breathing was rapid. I happened to look at a clock with a sweeping second hand and it felt as though the hand was moving much faster than normal. I decided to play with my breathing and over the course of the next five minutes I deliberately slowed my breathing down as much as possible to where I was having maybe 30 second exhales. At that point my perception of the second hand seemed significantly slower. Is there something about how we perceive time related to our rate of respiration?

Over consumption of food and/or alcohol impact

I understand no alcohol is the best way to go for your health, but if you were to drink, is there a drop off point where the negative impacts exponentially increase? Ex. after 4 drinks the impacts worsen significantly. Also say for example it was after 7 drinks the consequences are more severe. If you were to consume 7 drinks, is it worse to have 1 every day for a week or just have 7 on one big Saturday? Similar question for food: say I want to indulge on a pint of Ben & Jerry's once a week. Is it best to just eat it all in one sitting, or spread it out throughout the week? Does that even matter?

Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder?

Hi Dr. Huberman! A family member of mine is currently experiencing persistent genital arousal/discomfort (female) or what i believe it is since it is the only thing i could find online that resembles the symptoms. I believe it is caused from anxiety/stress/depression. She has been to therapy and several professionals who have not found anything unusual (no damaged nerves etc). She had some sort of an electromagnetic chair therapy which was also unsuccessful. It is currently impacting her life a lot as it is a constant discomfort/arousal which at moments is unbearable. Constant mood changes/legs shaking,trembling. It has occured before after a traumatizing dream for a short period of time(so i assume stress), but this time it is a lot stronger. Apparently it happened after sex. It has been going on for 4-5 months increasing in intensity. She was also prescribed antidepressants which could have amplified the condition (however i can not be sure). She is getting off the antidepressants now and it is very difficult. I was wondering if there is any information or way of treating this as the constant discomfort/arousal is making it extremely hard to function on a daily basis and is constantly keeping her stressed and mentally exhausted. I am worried that this might severely impact her mental health in the long run and/if this does not go away. Any guidance or information on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this! Stay safe!

Air fryers are healty ?

Air fryers are healty ? Most of the air fryers are made from plastic and using a really high heat in a plastic "oven"...... sounds not really healty. What is Prof. Andrew HUmberman opinion ? (like capsule coffee maker... can not be a good think, because you drinking heated plastic)