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Cold Exposure: Fertility and breastfeeding

Are there any benefits to cold exposure regarding fertility and breastfeeding? Equally, are there any potential risks to cold exposure while breastfeeding?

Palmar Cooling disadvantageous for hypertrophy?

After listening to the episode "Optimal Protocols to Build Strength & Grow Muscles" with Dr. Andy Galpin (episode 2 of a 6-part special series) in which they talked about the negative effects of Ice Baths for hypertrophy and maybe even strength training, I wondered if Palmar Cooling (at around 12 degrees Celsius or 53 degrees Fahrenheit) in between Sets could also have negative effects for hypertrophy or strength training? Or whether Palmar Cooling is similar to a cold shower and the water isn´t cold enough to have negative effects?

Pneumatic Compression?

The benefits of compression are documented well, but what the compression boots that inflate with air? Most of which cost in excess of $400. I’m an endurance athlete who’s use them on a handful of occasions. I do feel good after use, but I am not sure how much it is actually benefiting my recovery, and how much is placebo.

Looking into the future

Imagine Huberman now at age 59. Still fit although maybe not as strong as you were at 48 (feel free to key up the Toby Keith classic song). How, if at all, have the daily and weekly routines changed as you head into your 60s? Looking for some timely advice. Thanks very much in advance.

Injectable hydrogels for brain tissue regeneration post haemorrhagic stroke

Hi Dr. Huberman, my name is Joseph. I am 22 years old and from Melbourne, Australia. I suffered from a haemorhagic stroke due to an AVM in my right occipital lobe in 2021. I now have a complete left sided homonymous hemianopa. I am a huge fan of your podcast, and have integrated alot of what you teach us into my life. Including early morning cold showers, Non-sleep deep rest protocols in between study preiods of 90 mins, etc. You have had a massive, positive impact on my life, and for that, I thank you. Back to my original statement. I have been researching for potentially theraputic interventions which could heal my injured brain. And I would love to hear your thoughts on the potential benefits from a hydrogel in someone who presents like me, how the trajectory islooking for this research, clinical trials, etc, etc. Thank you for taking the time to read my question, kind regards, Joseph