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Do we have free will?

I listened to your podcast with Robert Sapolsky, and you discuss free will. This is also the topic often discuss in Lex Fridman's podcast. I feel interested because everybody has a different viewpoint but it sounds all make sense. I wonder about your opinion of free will. Can you share it with us?

Is it safe to take Modafinil and L-tyrosine on a regular basis?

As a result of the pandemic and mental health issues I've been struggling a lot with having energy and concentration. I've been taking 10 mg of Modafinil almost daily to keep my head focused, but the effects decay by noon. I just started trying taking L-tyrosine instead. Today I took L-tyrosine at noon and 5 mg of Modafinil at 4 pm. I feel great! Like the kind of energy I used to have before having depression. Is it safe to take both substances on a regular basis? If not, what could I do to increase my energy and focus levels?

Alcohol impact alone?

I know people, who over time, are healthy in eating and exercise, but drink at least 2 bottles of wine every night, occasional cocktails, and have done so for over 20 years. If you talk to them about sleep, they claim to sleep well because of the alcohol. (I have listened to your podcasts on both alcohol and sleep.). They think they are mitigating the impact of alcohol with other healthy habits. (And it’s always an interesting psychological phenomenon to me when drinkers can’t hear anything negative about alcohol, true or not, without getting very defensive.). What is the probable impact of alcohol on this person as they age? Thanks!


Do you have a macro recommendation? For overall health attainment and maintenance. In this case for middle-aged females trying to extend quality of life as we age?

Replacements for fermented foods for yeast intolerants

How can I increase the diversity of my gut microbiome without ingesting fermented foods? I have yeast intolerance. Most fermented foods but yogurts or cheeses are fermented with yeast.