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Vegetarian / vegan best practises

An idea for an episode: to give advice on best practices for vegetarians and vegans in terms of optimal nutrition, meal structure, supplements, training routine, ...


Dr. Huberman what are your views on the usage of the meal replacement product Soylent?

Energy Drink claiming to boost dopamine

Dr. Huberman, the maker of Beyond Energy, claims it is a natural boost to dopamine. First, is the chemical makeup of the drink capable of creating a significant dopamine boost in people? The drink claims to contain the herb Mucuna along with "other herbs", aminos and caffeine to produce a boost in dopamine. Second, suppose indeed the drink can boost dopamine significantly. What are the long-term implications on the dopamine system for people drinking this on regular bases and raising dopamine in this fashion? Thank you for everything you do to enhance learning! Mike Delaney The drink appears to be fairly new to the retail market

Fostering a Huberman Lab Community: A Connection Proposal

Dear Andrew, I've been an avid listener of your podcast and have found great pleasure in socializing with fellow listeners who share similar interests. I've noticed an increasing number of individuals who appreciate your work and insights. Is there an official or recommended channel where fans (or perhaps we should say practitioners) of your work can connect and interact with each other? Furthermore, is there a possibility for founding members to have an option to interact amongst themselves, fostering a sense of community and shared learning? Thank you for your time and for the valuable knowledge you share.

Huberman version of Feynman lectures on physics

Hi Dr. Huberman, I just listened to your podcasts with Dr. Paul Kruze on Rick Rubin’s podcast. *As an aside, you put on an absolute masterclass in having someone start by treating you like you’re the problem, listening to them, and eventually having them realize that not only are you not the problem, but you’re with them looking for the solution to the actual problem. In these episodes, there was a huge mix of biology and physics, from wide band semi-conductors, to the laws of thermodynamics, Einstein’s theories, electricity, magnetism, evolution, matter, and so forth. Richard Feynman was also discussed. I recently read the book Six Easy Pieces, and found that he was a master at communicating complex subjects in a trustworthy way that anyone could grasp. In that way, you’re already like the Feynman of this century, but with a way broader reach. As such, I’m hoping to convince you to do the 21st century Huberman version of the Feynman lectures on physics (especially in relation to biophysics). I would love to get your perspective on the subject of physics. My sense is that providing this education to your audience would be a real service, and I hope you consider it!