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Temperature minimum for people suffering from DSPS

My spouse suffers from her circadian rhythm constantly moving forwards about 2 hours -which is I understand an extreme case of delayed sleep phase syndrome. This leads me to ask that: should one expect that the temperature minimum shifts for people who are suffering from delayed sleep phase syndrome? This is related to the foundational sleep episodes of the podcast. My questions is driven by the possibility of using simple temperature wearable to track temp minimum to understand the delayed cycle better.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Long Covid

What is the latest research on the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (also showing in Long Covid patients)? Is there any new evidence for treatment methods? I am among many other millions of long-time sufferers of that syndrome and it's nearly impossible to get into a clinic, let alone to know what can be done to feel better or be cured.

Semaglutide for addictions

Do you think semaglutide has potential to treat it dictions and Aiden, quitting smoking, alcohol, other bad habits. Is there any future for it to become more accessible and covered by insurance. I quit smoking and I hate being addicted to food now and constantly thinking about food. I want to live my life. Anything to speak to this would be appreciated.

Science of strengthening neurons

When you “rewire” your brain or cause the connections to change, say unlearning a bad habit in favor of a new one, are you actually physically breaking axon/synapse connections and what exactly does it mean physiologically when we rewire our brain? Is there a period where upon stimulation and breakdown of these connections, further stimulation would be counter productive and actually harmful to the formation of these new connections since they have not had the ample recovery and rest/resources to build themselves back? What does it mean for a neural connection or circuit to strengthen? Thickening of the tissue around the neuron?

What are the mechanisms behind motion sickness and how can someone prevent and treat it effectively?

This question was asked 7 months ago by another person. I would appreciate if you can shed some light on it as there are really no good information around and a lot of people suffer from it.