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Effects on fertility using Sauna & cold water inmersion

What effects does sauna and cold water have on fertility for male? What are ways to improve fertility?

Tips to improve REM specifically

I am interested in improving my REM sleep specifically. My sleep at the first half of the night is always good, the second half of the night is however hit or miss. Any techniques to address that? I have used Reveri at times, but have not incorporated it as an everyday practice. Would this improve its efficacy in improving REM sleep?


Can you interview some experts on laser treatments and PEMF treatments?

Medical Ward and nightshifts in residency.

As an MD, medical residency on South America, we still do more than 30 hours long wards with nightshifts were you can’t sleep more than 3-4 hours (even on your luckiest day) and usually more than one time a week on your first couple of years. As we all know we are talking of something that can’t be offset as it is sleeping, but at least I want to ask for all the things I can do to try to make up for some of it. Also If you can talk a little bit of the consequences of this chronic sleep deprivation for practitioners and most important for patients. Maybe we can make some people conscious and to finally realize what we are actually doing in what they call as “ Acrucial part of your formation”.

DM type II: insulin

As we know from the complex pathophisiology of the type II DM there is combination of both insulin resistance and impaired insulin secretion. You have discussed a lot of protocols of ways to improve your insulin sensitivity but how we can determine the condition of pancreatic health/secretion and in case of very altered function, what does literature said about the recovery of function, in what degree and what type of intervention has been made: dietary, pharmacologic, bariatric surgery.