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Probiotic supplementation vs. fermented foods

Why does probiotic supplementation have the propensity to cause SIBO but not fermented foods? Is this due to the high bacterial CFU in probiotics vs. food? Is there a safe threshold for supplementation? If using probiotic supplements to ferment food, do you the same risk of contracting SIBO? I ask because it's hard to know what strains of bacteria are in fermented foods. I've had a lot of success supplementing with lactobacillus plantarum 299v, but I believe I've gotten SIBO in the past from it. I want to keep supplementing with this strain that benefits me, but in a way where I don't run the risk of having bacterial overgrowth. I noticed that AG1 has 7bil CFU per serving; is that a safe threshold to supplement with? Thank you!

Scuba Diving & Wellness

I've listened to your podcast for a few months now, and many topics could be interesting when tied to scuba diving. For example, oxygen exposure, and tending in hyperbaric chambers (which I've had the opportunity to do.) Also, cold exposure leads me to more questions as when I first started scuba in Utila, Honduras, I was not cold. I've been diving here for six years now and moved here 1.5 years ago, and now I'm cold so much easier! (I've also lost a lot of weight because my lifestyle here is better.) I'm curious, overall, about the benefits, and things that could be harmful, regarding repetitive scuba diving. I also just got my certification to do deco dives, so I'm interested in information regarding those as well.

Can dreams raise coritsol levels?

I've listened recently to several podcasts from yourself, Peter Attia, Rogan, Peterson around sleep and supplements and eating a meat diet. But also recently I have awakened and actually remembered specific detail around dreama that are troubling aka stressful. Kore than one where my dog is killed and another where I'm stranded in a foreign place without any knowledge how to get around and losing my posessions. Are there any studies around a person's cortisol levels and content of their dreams?

Ice Baths when trying to Conceive

Im a 35 year old woman, and husband and I have been trying to conceive for 6 + years. Both of us are normal, with unexplained infertility. We both live pretty healthy lifestyles. Just finished doing two rounds of ivf with no success. Ive started doing the plunge (cold bath at 40 degrees) the last two months daily in the mornings for 4 mins when I wake up. I feel amazing, stress free, just overall happier. Will it hurt my chances of conceiving if I do it daily, or should I stop after ovulation? I can't find enough research on it. Thank you in advance.

Restless Leg Syndrome

I notice that when I exercise later in the day and have sugary carbs (e.g., chocolate cake or cookies) about 1 to 2 hours before bedtime or if I’ve taken an antihistamine, my RLS really acts up. Can you talk about the science behind RLS? What are some protocols I can use to control it better, besides eliminating the former and without having to rely on Zolpidem? Thanks!