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Who are the current leading experts in ADHD?

I believe William Dodson retired, and I’m interested in learning more about ADHD. Who are some of the current experts working today in both medical research and psychiatric practice around ADHD?

Breaking the alcohol habit via deliberate dopamine regulation

Could you explore how alcohol becomes addictive and whether a drinking habit or addiction could be addressed by other activities that stimulate dopamine release (not including chocolate). For example, could a routine of regular early light exposure, exercise and cold exposure be used to break a daily alcohol consumption habit? I am assuming they create the type of hormone stimulus that is analogous to stimulus by alcohol.

Cardio Basics

In your podcast, you and your guests often discuss cardio training and its benefits. However, I couldn't find a explanation of how cardio training works and what it means "to have better cardio". Does cardio training make the heart stronger as a muscle, or does it help the cardiovascular system adapt more quickly to exercise or something else? I would appreciate your help in understanding this concept.

POTs and comorbidities

My daughter suffers from POTs and has been diagnosed with Hashimoto's, anxiety, depression, and has a range of physical/emotional problems. She suspects EDS and MCAS. The lack of understanding in the medical community is amazing and frustrating. Reading posts from a POTs Facebook group, her struggles with the disease(s) and public and professional awareness is common. It also seems common that the majority of POTs sufferers are female. I would love to see you do a deep dive into POTS - its causes, symptoms, comorbidities, treatments....anything. I, we, need all the info we all can get. She's been nearly bed bound for about 2 years now. Its disheartening and frustrating to say the least.

Helping my teen with his Math

How can I help my Teen learn and stay motivated in school. He has hard time staying focus completing his school work on time, specially Math