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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Buteyko Breathing

I loved your podcast on breathing! Would love more of that - or even a whole course! :-) I am curious - what are your thoughts on Buteyko Breathing and on combining it with other styles of breathwork? Buteyko exercises involve breathing light and creating air hunger, which starkly contrasts to other breathing styles, like cyclical hyperventilation or wim hoff. Is it okay to practice both styles or will they cancel each other out? Also, for exercises like box breathing, is it better to take full breaths in and out or to breathe more lightly? Thank you!

Sound Meditation/Sound Baths

I'm curious if you have done any studies on the effect of sound on the brain or body? Or if you have any thoughts on the effectiveness of sound or sound baths on the brain and body? With the rise in popularity of sound baths - which can vary greatly from each other but have a general theme of a practitioner playing instruments such as gongs or singing bowls while people relax and listen - I'm curious if you have any insights into how they help the brain and body. Thank you!

congestion every night

Hi, every night I have bad congestion that causes my sleep to be disrupted. I have tried all the basic meds to help but nothing but Afrin helps the issue. Afrin of coarse is horrible to take on a regular basis. I was hoping there might be a supplement or? that can help this situation. I have tried your sleep aids and they really have helped me until I can't breath because of the congestion. My doctors can't come up with any advice to help me. Please consider looking into this for me. Thank you Don

Living near transmission lines, power lines, and cell towers - EMF impact on health

Hi there! The health implications of living/working near high-voltage power lines, transmission lines, and cell towers seem unclear. Has any new research been done on this? What distances and exposure amounts are "safe" or are the impacts significant enough that these should be avoided altogether? Are EMF meters on the market helpful in determining "safe" exposure amounts? Thanks so much!

Can I drink coffee earlier if I raise cortisol levels through sunlight and exercise?

Is there a link between clearing of adenosine in the morning and cortisol release through activities such as sunlight viewing and running? If so, can I drink coffee earlier than the ~1.5h threshold if I have been out running in the sun for 30 minutes after waking without getting an afternoon crash?