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Incessant itching!

One of my family members suffers from incessant itching all over the body, followed with swelling - going to docs ends up in a list of anti-histamines etc which work at best for 15 minutes and then the itching comes back with a vengeance. Is there a scientific reason or cause for this situation and what are the possible options to consider as natural cures? Thank you!

Pre diabetes and reversing type 2 diabetes

So many people are pre-diabetic (and most are not even aware of it until they get a diagnosis). Are there any behavioural tools you recommend to prevent or reverse diabetes? A whole episode on diabetes prevention for pre diabetics would be 😊 great. Thank you so much!

Are dyslexic brains wired differently?

My daughter has dyslexia and in my reading about it, its considered another form of neuro diversity and that the dyslexic brain is wired differently. Is this true and in what way? I really enjoyed your explanation of the ADHD brain, which my other daughter has. It gave me so much clarify on what it actually is. It would be great to get such clarity for dyslexia as well.

What causes great gym sessions when you feel grim

I think I remember this being mentioned briefly on one of the podcasts, but I was wondering if there's any neurological explanation for those days when you wake up feeling terrible but drag your reluctant body to the gym and then have a great workout. I'm sure this is a "thing". I woke up super-sleepy and kinda achy after a taekwondo session the night before and 4.5 hours' sleep, and I was feeling a bit under the weather. I was very tempted to put my head back under the duvet, but when I got to the gym, everything moved really well, and none of my aches and niggles bothered me much. Maybe it's some kind of dopamine release as a reward for making the effort to get out of bed and do something hard, or maybe because I was expecting it to be a slog, my expectations were lowered, or maybe I just have a big crash coming later... (hopefully not!)

Sauna shopping

I plan to buy a sauna and need advice. I assume you can't recommend a brand, but could you list optimal parameters, e.g. wood, heat source, temperature capacity. #76yearoldgrandma