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Alternative ADHD medication

Re: your podcast about Common and uncommon Rx for ADHD. Over the years, my child has tried all of the ones you discussed. He now takes Mydayis which no one ever seems to talk about. In future podcasts with your ADHD expert, could you speak about Mydayis compared to vyvanse?

Efficiency of neurofeedback training - Biocybernaut

I am considering joining a 1 week-intensive neurofeedback training that promises to put me into zen-like states and rewire my brain by working through my blockers and traumas while I am in alpha states. Their promise is to be on avg +50% more Creative, +11.7 IQ points Smarter, +15.8 EQ points Higher, and much happier after the training. Do you think this program could provide the promised benefits based on your neuroscience expertise?

Adult ADHD and supplement support

I read about Stasis and the burnout from stimulants makes sense. I have doubled my L TYrosine and have better focus. Gave you done any studies on the ingredients of stasis. I listened to your podcast on Adhd and then had this question. This is the supplement information

HIIT vs Hiperthropy and Intermmiting Supplementation

Professor, I am delighted to say that I listened to over 50 episodes since my physician introduced Huberman Lab Podcast to couple of weeks ago. I was always keen in the broad realm of quality of life, as much as I could not find any source that would be equally understandable and reliable as I tend to be extremely sceptical about white noise spread all over the internet. I dived deeply into your chanel and I started to enjoy life much more due to dozens of protocols I have implemented form you. I have been struggling with staying asleep for a a very long time so I would like to express my gratitude in particular for sunlight viewing, caffeine intake, cold exposure, EPA intake, meditation, NSDR and sleeping supplementation as well. I am conscientious about following protocols but unfortunately it is still hunts me. Today I have decided to support your channel and take advantage of possibility of righting this message to say a big thank you and ask two questions. I hope you will not find it exalted nor too long. First. If High Intensity Interval Training (3 sets of 60s maximum effort on a air bike with 120s of low intensity effort as a break) three times a week on a rest day can diminish effects from hiperthrophy training if caloric surplus is sustained? Second. Is taking inositol, apigenin, magnesium threonate daily and glycine with phenibut (gaba) every four night (excluding inositol at that time) require any brakes? I admit that I do 4 day wash out from magnesium threonate every 14 days Thank you for the effort and heart you put and I wish you all the best and please keep doing this astonishing work, it's a truly hidden gem in the world of trash.

Diabetes Type 1 - trigger factors

I’ll start by saying that I admire your great mission to help people get all the amazing information about health and how our bodies function in order to improve our health metrics and life. I’ve been recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 37, which is a bit strange because I’ve always checked at least every 6 months and always had values within limits. I’m a guy that takes care of myself, work out 5-6 times per week and eat healthy, avoiding sugar and most of processed foods. I’ve been searching how this could happen and didn’t find relevant reasons. All I know is that because of my job working as an engineer on cruise ships my sleep schedule was not allowing me to rest well for the last couple of years and also been lately in stressful situations. There are studies saying that sleeping less than 7 hours for long periods and stress can cause diabetes type 1 but not enough details to makes sense on the actual factors that can develop this disease. Also once triggered are there any proven ways to reverse, and is intermittent fasting possible without producing keto acidosis, what is keto acidosis and is it dangerous? Thank you in advance for providing a great service to the world and please if this topic is not chosen for the AMA if you could guide me to some relevant studies about type 1diabetes or someone that could help me in my mission to reverse this process.