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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Does earthing work

Does walking barefoot reduce inflammation due to exposure to earth’s free electrons ?

How to target belly fat

Hey, It would be great to have an AMA summarizing all behaviors (nutrition, exercise, etc) and supplementations targeting belly fat. Some tips for middle aged man is appreciated too! Thanks, Zsombor

No Alcohol While Social

Dr. Huberman, is there a trick or means to prepare for going out to social settings on Fri-Sat without drinking? Not having a drink isn’t an issue, but unfortunately that comes to me being a bore (or myself being bored). Is part of the process me forcing myself to interact & “practice/work on being being social” without it to rewire those circuits in the brain? Lastly - Are there any dinner, live music, pre-social protocols you perform to prep for a social evening/night? Getting your insight to any or all the above would be helpful. Thank you for all that you do!

No response to psilocybin

Just went on a failed journey with a trusted guide in the proper setting and place. The medicine had no effect on me at all. Took a heavy dose (by the end I was eating the mushrooms instead of drinking the tea). Guide says most people respond to 1/3 the dose I took. I'm on these meds: 300 mg bupropion XL, 10 mg citalopram (which apparently is a non-therapeutic dose according to my psychiatrist father-in-law), and 5 mg amlodipine. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks for your wonderful podcasts. laz

How to help a family member with depression?

I explained a lot of your tips like morning sun, exercise, and cold exposure to the family member with depression and she understands that those things can help. However, maybe because of the depression, they don’t actually do any of the things knowing they’ll help. How do I help them?