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Thymosin Alpha 1,

What do you think of Thymosin Alpha 1 as an injectable? What legitimate studies have been conducted on the immunity/wellness benefits of it that you are aware? Curious about your thoughts on it in general. Thank you!

Who is ADHD Psychiatrist referenced in May 29th episode?

Great coverage in the ADHD meds episode. I thought William Dodson, MD was the ADHD medication specialist psychiatrist referenced...but no. Not too many psychiatrists publish on and prescribe guanfacine for adult ADHD. I work in the ADHD space and run the Seattle chapter of CHADD. I collect research and publications by reputable psychiatrists on the use of alpha agonists for adult ADHD. Guanfacine (or alternatively Clonidine) can be transformative for the emotionality of ADHD...helping a lot with rumination, rejection sensitivity, irritability, and impulsivity. I believe guanfacine was originally FDA approved for impulsivity in kids with ADHD. I'm not a medical provider, but an advocate for newly diagnosed adults with ADHD. Thank you for the great work Andrew.

Cryotherapy vs ice bath/cold plunge

Is there any data supporting/comparing substituting/adding cryotherapy and/with ice baths (or instead of ice baths)? Are they basically interchangeable or different?

SSRI withdrawal support

Can you address please studies to support/manage SSRI withdrawals after long term use? Withdrawals can lead to staying on these medicines longer than recommended and can also lead doctors to not recommend tapering/getting off the drugs. Specifically something in addition to a very slow tapering process (studies Show this is necessary for many long-term high dose patients)

Antibiotic Overuse and Rebuilding Microbiome

Hi Dr. Huberman, as a second generation immigrant, my parents lived a very different life from me where they had to protect themselves against bacterial infections, diseases, etc. As a result, my parents gave me antibiotics too frequently as child despite growing up in America. They gave me antibiotics even when I was less than 2 years old and yearly, at least until I was around 14. I believe this gravely affected my microbiome, as well as my cognitive and executive functioning. Given how many second generation immigrants we have in America and a lot of misinformation surrounding antibiotics in the last two decades, I would think this is a common experience. How do I rebuild my gut microbiome after it's been affected so severely? So far, the only thing that works is a high amount of probiotic supplements, up to 100 billion CFU a day. But I'm worried this will give me SIBO given the study done by Dr. Rao. How impactful are antibiotics given during a child's development? I'm scared to stop taking these probiotics and switch to fermented foods, because I'm worried they won't be powerful enough to create the same effects as the probiotic.