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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Alcohol affects

Obviously any alcohol intake is not healthy. I am a 35 yo healthy/active woman, and a red wine lover. I would like to design a lifestyle/diet whereby I can still drink red wine, but at a level where I can minimize the negative side effects and still live my life.

Behavior based approach to dieting

I would be really interested to learn about the value of this approach, for me I simply stopped eating with my hands, using only knife, fork, spoon and chopsticks, I dropped from 240lbs to 170lbs and have continue with hands free eating and have kept it off for 3 years now, I am sure there are many other similar techniques that could have good outcomes.


Need to ask opinion on fasting. 16/8 vs 24 hrs fasts vs longer I know you are omnivore but how much meat do you actually eat. Daily? Weekly? Less more ? Lastly is standard temperature for cold water in shower sufficient for cold exposure therapy

Urolithin A

Have been hearing a lot about the benefits of urolithin A on mitochondrial functioning. Looking for the unbiased scientific data behind this to assess the value of starting another expensive supplement. Would appreciate appreciate if you could address this one at some point. Thank you!

Follow up questions from discussion with Dr. Sobel

Thank you for a fascinating episode. I have a number of follow up questions from your discussion with Dr. Sobel: 1) What is the molecular structure of scents? (Aka what are they made of?) 2) How does the bacteria culture that live on our skin impact our scents? 3) If the scents are primarily impacted by our bacteria, does that mean that they can be modified? Or altered by diet for example? 4) Have any of the studies included impact of deodorants? 4) Do cats have a stronger sense of smell compared to humans or dogs? 5) If the scents on our bodies are not impacted by our skin bacteria, what does impact them?