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Behavioural tools to lower ApoB

Are there any behavioural tools to lower ApoB? Mine is at 126 mg/dl and I also have borderline pre-diabetes. I read Dr. Peter Attia book after I heard him on your podcast. Therefore, I would really like to lower my ApoB without any medications. Any ideas?

Daily Routine

Is the daily routine - wake early, sunlight, be active, journal, fasting, etc - available in Word of PDF form? Thanks

Convergence Deficit Relation to Glaucoma

I was at an eye doctor and they tested my eye pressure and said "Oh wow. You're on the verge of glaucoma. You should monitor this and get tested often." Then she commented this can also perhaps happen after brain trauma. I recently was hit-and-run while cycling and my skull split open, had a severe TBI, acquired hydrocephalus..... Then recently I met up with the lady who was my Occupational Therapist in the hospital and she said I had double vision and Convergence Deficit at the time. So.... thoughts?

supplement interaction database?

I heard one of your guests make the general statement that some supplements don't work well together. Do you know of a publicly available database where supplements can be cross-referenced to know which combinations should not be taken at the same time and which should not be taken within days/weeks of each other?

MDMA sessions twice a week for a month--dangers to look out for?

i've been using MDMA approximately once a week for a month, and now about twice a week for the past month with each session amounting to a total of 150mg to 450mg doses spread across the session (usually 300mg at once, or 150mg, then when feeling a peaking coming on, i'll open a pill and pour the MDMA under my tongue for a colliding hit. then another 150 sometimes later. rare, but I have done 600mg over a single session). to be frank, my regular use may have been encouraged after i heard your most recent podcast on Joe Rogan stating that there have been no signs of neurodegeneration/neurotoxicity from a study with LDS church members after "tons of MDMA" use from the subjects. at least personally, aside from the inability to sleep the night of and some weight loss that typically recovers to baseline within the week, i can affirm that i feel completely normal following the day(s) after the trip: i continue to run my business without any abatement in energy or ability, and i don't notice any obvious deleterious effect on mood thereafter. granted, i have been using it so frequently that perhaps i am not allowing my brain to experience any withdrawal effects. it's also possible that i may be suppressing negative mood by self-medicating in this way. i'm not sure if there's something specific i should specifically look out for with this developing habit to err on the side of caution regarding effects on my brain that may not be particularly noticeable upon a cursory self-assessment?