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Brain Fog - how to identify it, its causes & remedies?

What are the tele-tale symptoms to identify Brain Fog? What are the most common causes & remedies for it? If any nutritional deficiency is the reason, are their any supplements that can help? If one has all the blood bio-markers within healthy range, no physical fatigue post workout but still find trouble concentrating on mental tasks, what protocols can one follow to improve the concentration & focus?

How freediving affects brain?

As a person who iwants to try freediving I am interested how 4-5-6 minute breath hold affects the brain? And not only rare episodes of breath hold but also daily training for freediving.


Hi Andrew, in short thank you for all the ways you have helped me. I’ve recently out of the blue started experiencing restless leg syndrome. Since it is such a mysterious ghost like “thing”, where sleeping nor staying asleep is not the real problem, but being woken up and kept awake is, I was wondering if you have any insight on this maddening phenomenon. The only time I have ever experienced this was at the end of an experimental use of mdma. I’ve read this is dopamine related, and would like to know if you have read and or studied about this. Thank you

Sleep Protocol after Evening Exercise

Are there modifications to the typical sleep enhancement recommendations you would give when engaging in late day / evening exercise? Specifically in regards to thermoregulation. For context, I struggle with poor sleep quality and have implemented many of your supplement and behavioral recommendations already. (Thank you! They have definitely improved my sleep.) I have also begun taking jui jitsu classes, which are only available in my area from 6-8 pm. I'm finding the classes are a great form of exercise, social bonding, and mental stimulation, but they also turn my sleep into garbage. I have tried to be more diligent with strategies like self-hypnosis and ashwagandha supplementation on those evenings to help, with some limited success. (Are there studies on ashwagandha taken 2-3 times a week for extended periods of time vs taken daily for a couple weeks/months and cycled off? Which would be more effective for this purpose?) The piece that has felt most unclear is what temperature bath or shower to use afterwards, and for how long. I've also wondered about just having my hands or feet in cool or cold water and if something like that could be helpful. I seem to recall something like that being used for athletic/sports applications but can't remember the specifics. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. I feel like I'm having to choose between exercise, which I have a hard time implementing in other forms, and good sleep, and I'd really like to be able to have both into my life. Thank you for the work you are doing.


Is HOCATT safe and does it really work?