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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Neuro-Science of Competing Desires

How do you choose delayed gratification over immediate gratification

Supplements for runners

What are some recommended supplements for runners to enhance performance and support recovery?

Premium subscriber looking for transcript on Matthrew McDougall

Where can I find this transcript - fascinating talk! Rip Gerber

Are we notified if you respond to our question?

Curious: how do we know if you responded to us in AMA or elsewhere? On social media, I'll get a notification if you respond. But on this website? Do we need to continuously check all the AMAs you've responded to? Or do we receive an e-mail or text or other notification that you responded?

Best cures or preventions for glaucoma

What are the latest cures available for patients suffering from glaucoma (and are these cures available globally or just in the US)? Is it possible to recover lost eyesight? Any suggestions for preventing further loss of sight?