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Bipolar II and Lithium Orotate

Can you do an episode about bipolar II and its treatment options? Also, can you talk about lithium orotate supplementation?

Music for MDMA Journey

Does the pattern of music recommended for a psilocybin journey described in your May 8, 2023 podcast also apply to an MDMA journey. As you noted, MDMA is very empathetic while the mushroom journey can evoke strong and difficult emotions.


Curious if you've explored conscious movement at all? In particular, Alexander Technique. I love your podcasts. Love that you talk a lot about the pillars, however I notice you don't dive into the movement patterns with exercise every day movement and how imperative it is to move with conscious awareness. I have hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and I was diagnosed at age 35 by a MD after loads of injuries and surgeries. So this means my connective tissue or collagen 3 is faulty and doesn't support my joints like most of the population. Prior to this diagnosis, I was a competitive collegiate Division 1 athlete and obsessed with exercise. Alexander Technique was prescribed to me after being diagnosed with hEDS and it has changed my life. I bring this into awareness because I imagine so many of your listeners may be on my same wavelength. AKA Used to be a very successful athlete, dancer, etc but exercise for us in our 30s and 40s goes downhill and is out of our control, unless you can pay some good non-insurance money and get great therapies such as Alexander Technique. I would love for you to study up on this amazing therapy and expose it to Americans. In Europe, it is way more well known, but here in US, not so much. I am training to be a teacher of AT right now to continue to help my body and others, particularly the athletic community and people with EDS. Thanks for reading if you do. Would love to hear your thoughts or research on it! Thank you so much; youre amazing!

Learning languages

Accuracy vs. Fluency. What makes grammar and accuracy in. General hard to learn and master ?


Interested in the phenomenon of paranoia and its relationship to (eg) not being able to read social cues.