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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Can you please do an episode on Health data privacy?

Hi! You’ve often recommended or endorsed various health monitoring / accompanying devices (e.g continuous glucose monitors, blood tests through Inside Tracker, 8sleep). Do you have any concerns regarding privacy of your health data with such companies? The data provided to these devices/companies is going to become very valuable if it hasn’t already (e.g targeted advertising of male/female products or drugs depending on food intake/lifestyle/overall health from sleep, etc). I read through the 8sleep privacy policy for example and there was nothing really special noted that differed between that and a privacy policy of a non-health related app. Does this concern you? As someone who would love to try all these devices but has concerns around data privacy I’d love to learn more. It would be great to learn from data/privacy experts on how this data is typically handled and what (if any) are changes that consumers should or could expect in the coming years as these devices become more prevalent. Or what consumers should be watching for when considering purchasing such a device. Can you please host an episode on this topic? Thank you!!

Borderline personality disorder

Iam suffering a lot because of bpd. Can you please do a podcast and save me

Growing "If, Then" learning in foster kids

We have two foster boys. Each was born with various drugs in their systems including but not limited to meth. They are currently 3 and 5. After talking with another foster parent with 5 adopted kids and 2 biological children, she observed that her former foster kids (all a sibling set) each have challenges with "If ..., then ..." type learning when it comes to consequences of actions. Is there anything I can do to help these kids with better neurological growth and thinking despite the rough foundation they've come into the world with? Thanks!

Mechanism behind superhuman feats of strength

Hi, what is the neurological mechanism by which people are sometimes able to perform superhuman feats under incredible stress situations, like the untrained mother who lifts a car off her trapped child. I guess a huge surge of adrenaline, but usually there's inhibitors that stop you from doing something that might injure you, like the ones that stop you over-stretching, as per your podcast on flexibility, so these must get over-ridden. Thanks :)


What are your thoughts about Taurine supplementation? (2-3g daily)