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with Huberman Lab Premium

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17 minutes

Hi! what's the link for the study that shows long lasting effects on focus from one 17 minute session of interoception?

Stanford CWS

Did you attend the college World Series ? BTW always love the content , unfortunately I will be outta town when you come to Chicago . Big fan , your podcast has opened so many doors

More Apnea questions

Sleep studies measure leg movements, jaw activity, EEG, EKG, chest and trunk motion. A description/outline of these categories and what they indicate would be interesting and helpful. All contributors or causes of OSA would be helpful. Describe central apnea causes/contributors. Can a person change ongoing apnea by improving circulation? Exercise? Exercise with oxygen? Changing neck/head position? Light? It would seem that it can be improved by something other than supplemental oxygen or weight loss.

Yerba Mate effect on sleep onset and quality

given Yerba Mate contains levels of caffeine similar to coffee, does drinking it after mid-day also affect the ability to get to sleep and the quality of sleep? That is, should it also not be consumed after noon?

Protocol for learning a new language

You've previously touched upon learning new languages as being easier for younger people who have more plasticity, but what would be a optimal protocol for people 25 or older to learn a new language.