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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Hello Huberman lab team Information about NARCOLEPSY. In several episodes you talk about sleep, naps, hunger control... The majority of those tools are difficult to understand or to apply if you have narcolepsy. It would be great to have some great info from you. Thank you very much for your interest in science 😁

Diet, Calories and Sleep.

How foods affect sleep quality. Sleep and Fasting, Sleep and Keto diet. Is it better to eat carbs fats or protein to aid sleep and/or recovery. Intake timing, how long before falling to bed should someone eat or drink. The effect of salt before bed.

Body fatique-exhaustion and self distructive impulses. Bulimia and corticoides.

Greeting, From personal experience when i overexhaust my self from work or excerise i experience intense self distructive urges. Smoke, Alchohol, and Binge-eating-Bulimic episodes. I was wondering what is happening in the body and dopamine-adrenaline balances. Also noticed that after a bulimic episode i feel much calmer and even sleep much better. how bulimia affects adrenaline and general stress on the body?


Can you please make a podcast talking about epilepsy? Ways to avoid or reduce seizures and maybe alerts to be on the lookout before it happening ?

Creatine for SSRIs

Hi Andrew. While I’m building up my exercise routine to negate weight gain from taking Creatine to boost SSRI effectiveness, is there anything else I can take besides Creatine I can take to boost SSRI effectiveness? I loved the nicotine podcast. I was hoping that chewing a nicotine gum or two could help while I train to take Creatine eventually. I used to vape and I quit cold turkey after I got COVID pneumonia last year. Depression and nicotine seem to go hand in hand. I was hoping that the podcast would promote nicotine for depression and help those of us get the benefits from responsible nicotine usage. I was so disappointed to find out that there aren’t many upsides to nicotine. It’s reasonably cheaply available unlike some very expensive supplements for us middle class folks not able to afford these other expensive supplements. Creatine is also a great supplement that is cost effective but I’m not at the exercise level yet to take it. Thank you I’ll read all these questions - layman here, just interested in the ‘free’ or Cost effective stuff you suggest like sunlight in your eyes, Creatine etc - thanks again! Very kiff podcast and service you generously offer! (Typos corrected)