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Question about "The Science of Healthy Hair, Hair Loss and How to Regrow Hair"

Hi, after watching this extremely informative video AGAIN, I'm thinking of doing DHT test, you did also mention "other related hormones" what would that be, so that I can do a test on them as well, BEFORE any treatment, to keep that as a measurement. Cheers.

Mild Radon Exposure

We all know that high radon levels are bad for you but how worried should we be about more mild radon exposure? Is chronic exposure of 1-2 pCi/L worrisome? What is the “safe” cutoff point? It seems impossible to avoid even when walking outside in some northern cities.

Quantitative self practitioners

How does one find an expert in quantitative self? I’m an executive who can be impatient with others. I’d like to become better. I live in the DC area and would love to find someone who can help me in a scientific way.

What would be your ideal protocol be to start contrast therapy at 45, and how do include progress?

Happy Monday Dr. Huberman! Thank you for the space and time you dedicate to your listeners. I guess I have three questions in one. Apart from the question, I would like to add: how to fit it all in a busy life with three high-performance teens. But also, what would your recommendations be in terms of assisting in lowering inflammation in perimenopause with nutrition and supplementation and, exercise? (last one) Would you recommend teens 15 + to begin contrast therapy to improve academic and sports performance?

Potential Harmful Effects of Plastics in Clothing

Are there any known data supporting the idea that Plastics in synthetic clothing, such as polyester, have harmful effects? Just as there can be harmful effects associated with microplastics, BPAs, teflon, etc. I am curious to whether wearing clothing with high amounts of plastic material can have the same hormone disrupting properties by being absorbed into the skin. For instance, majority of active wear is contrived of polyester and we know that when heated up, plastics tend to break down more easily. Following this logic, is there a potential for active wear to disrupt our health by being exposed to more friction and heat during exercise? Many undergarments that surround our reproductive organs are made of polyester material, could this be concerning?