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Live event in Cape Town, South Africa

Hi Andrew, I am a huge fan of yours. Would you be interested in doing a live event in South Africa? I think that it will be hugely beneficial to not just South Africa, but Africa.

What is the relationship between eye astigmatism and fatigue?

When doing an eye test at my new optician, she asked me whether I have a general tiredness in my body. I replied yes. She said that people having (horizontal) astigmatism are more tired than other people because their eye muscles need to work much harder. So, i was wondering whether there's some research that supports this?

Preventing and healing from repetitive strain injuries

RSIs can be debilitating and even career-ending in areas like athletics, office work, and even more traditionally blue-collar occupations. Anecdotally, it seems that they also are becoming more common in younger school- and university-aged populations, where they can significantly affect academic achievement especially as computer usage continues to increase. What is the state of the science around RSIs? What is the best way to think about their causes, how can we best prevent them, and what steps can we take to restore pain-free function if we have one?

New Research on Autism linked to gut health

Article in Epoch Health by Amy Denney discusses new research on Autism showing gut link as opposed to genetics. Would love to hear your opinion of this

vestibular migraines in my son for most of his life, why?

Dear Dr. Huberman, My son has chronic vertigo since he was very little. We didn't get a formal diagnosis until the last three years. Even during this period, we can't get any answers from doctors to explain or help us understand or know why he has this. originally Univ of Colorado ENT doctor who told him at 16 that his left inner ear is broken, they don't know why he just has to learn to live with the vertigo. I persisted and found an ENT/ Neurologist in February this year, and they said both ears are affected, and they believe it is migraine symptoms that cause vertigo. The vertigo is bad and has impacted his education, caused a great deal of anxiety, and then of course does impact his ability to drive and work at times. I feel horrible for him, and that there hasn't been a good place to turn to help him feel better. I have sought a few assessments with neurologists, one 3 years ago at The Children's Hospital of Colorado, and one 2 years ago at Rocky Mountain Pediatric Neurology, and both said to refer to ENT specialists and wouldn't look into this. I did request an mri to rule out tumors or structural issues, which were negative thankfully. i requested an EEG anyway 2 years, and it did not show seizures. Most recent, I took him to the Neurologist with specialty in ENT, and his doctor is having him take amitriptyline. He said he thinks it helps him a lot. However, I feel like the doctors have said he just has migraines. But I want to see if you have any ideas about finding way to prevent them and see what causes it. I did take him to an allergist, this year, and he was diagnosed with moderate grass and weed allergies, and mild peanut and avocado allergy. He's a teen and it's always hard to get him to follow routines regularly. But he has been trying. But there are other things that are weird about my son, he has other things that are weird- ie- high red blood cells so maybe inflammation markers? he has some fatty tissues in his liver, he gets a red and white hand sometimes (blood flow stuff?), he has yellow whites of his eyes. It all seems so strange. He knows it too, and has fears of death now, unreasonable, but not surprising. Are there actual specialists who know a lot about vertigo? I did listen to your migraine podcast and thought it was fabulous. I have a question, could long term adhd symptoms, and anxiety, increase the migraines? I started adderall recently and my chronic anxiety went away! PS , I loved your adderall podcast as well!! My whole family listens to you, and we adore you! I am a behavioral health therapist as well and refer my clients to your podcast all the time! Thank you!!