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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Is there any reputable science behind kundalini awakening? What do you think is happening?

Episode on Female Metabolism

I loved your episode on metabolism but I would love to get an episode in which we dive deeper in female health and the differences between men and women’s body.


Hi, I have been told that when I sleep at times I hold my breath. I do it by on exhaling I deliberately hold it and when I'm out of air I release it slowly and make weird noises. I catch myself at times when I do it many times throughout the night. Is not sleep apnea because this is voluntary. Is like I go under water and hold my breath. I have researched it and it seems that I'm not alone, they came up with a name for it catathernia. After speaking with my family it seems that it might be genetic that my father has it. It seems to me that I do it more when I'm stressed out or have something on my mind. Do you have a medical explanation for it? I love your show especially the breathing episodes. I am a physical therapist and I will apply some of your teaching to my patients. Thank you, Daniela Gasan

Blended vegetables vrs whole vegetables.

I don't like the flavor of fruits nor vegetables, so in order to consume them I drink them in 2 to 3 blended shakes a day. I've been told I'm losing a lot of their benefits by not chewing them. ¿Is it better to chew the food vrs having it blended?

Visual-movement neurons in the LPFC help us zero in on tasks and tune out distractions. Please interview the study participants