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How to quit cannabis with withdrawal symptoms

I try to quit but then get withdrawal symptoms like depression, palpitations, irritability

Can Omega-3 Supplements counter Creatine hair loss?

Firstly I’m not entirely sure of the literature that supports Omega-3 and promoting hair growth or regrowth and also I’m aware that Creatine isn’t proven to directly cause hair loss, rather the increase of DHT. However, in saying that, is there any evidence to suggest that Omega-3’s possible hair regrowth/health effects could counter Creatine’s possible hair loss effects?

Breastfeeding and Women Specific Issues

What is the recommended caloric intake for a breastfeeding person, best body recomp protocol, hormonal shifts and how to work around them, what to avoid, supplements, etc?


What are the prolonged impact of taking SSRIs for anxiety, depression, OCD, and postpartum depression? How can you combat any of the risks or effects?

Creatine Long Term Use

I have been taking creatine for over 2 years now. I have not noticed any detrimental effects from it. I know you’ve mentioned it’s quite safe to use but are there any studies on taking it for longer periods like 5 or 10 years? Not sure if I should stop taking it for a while and then start again.