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Pediatric TBI

First, thank you for your podcast. My daughter suffered a TBI from a fall off a recreational vehicle in August 2021, and your podcast has been my lifeline to understanding not only her injury and recovery but also ways to promote my own health as I manage grief, fatigue, and everything else that goes with this trauma. I brought my daughter to Shirley Ryan Abilitylab in Chicago for her inpatient rehab stay, and she's continued to make progress since she's been home. She's still preverbal and not walking yet but making progress every day. The damage in her brain was to the area responsible for movement and speech which is tragic because she was a preprofessional dancer and choreographer. As a parent of a TBI patient, I feel like we have to be our kid's advocate because so little seems to be known about the brain, and most caregivers are content to allow her treatment plan to remain status quo as long as she's making progress albeit slow. In addition, it seems that physicians are prescribing medication to prevent bad things from happening, but they glaze over if I ask about supplements (so thank you for addressing supplements). My daughter is 15 years old, and I'd love to rescue some of her teenage years from recovery. I've heard you mention various experimental treatment for TBI. Transcranial magnetic therapy and psychedelics come to mind. I did find an article from 2015 in Nature about Transcranial Magnetic Therapy as an option for pediatric TBI patients although it hadn't been tested yet on human pediatric patients at the time of publication. Are there any experimental treatments or treatments in development for pediatric patients, more specifically teenagers, that offer results and that you would recommend?

Listening protocol

Andrew, thanks for your content. Any chance you can consider a podcast on how to listen better. I feel everyone can listen better. The world could be a better place potentially. I believe this would also touch on not allowing your current mood/emotions to come into play amongst many other amazing facts I’m sure you know about. Thanks.

Navigating self improvement through the Huberman-mobile - 1

Do you agree with the following reinterpretation of this equation for success? Original equation from a popular book: Determination + Goal Setting + Concentration = Success Reinterpretation: Goal Setting + Dopamine + Epinephrine + Acetylcholine = Success


Hello andrew, I follow every episode you publish carefully, but since my English is not sufficient, I bought the premium package in order to access the transcripts, but I still cannot see the transcripts. How can I access the transcript?

NES Night eating disorder, BED

I would be interested in ways to tackle NES leading to obesity and treatments for BED, compulsive eating when we don't have access to electrodes in the brain.