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Is there an answer to what kind of protein is best and how much we should be eating?

I have gone down a rabbit hole of information about protein. Is plant or animal better? Why would I eat animal protein knowing that it stimulates IGF-1 plus the concentrated fats that often come with animal protein and the real lack of nutrition if we include the full spectrum of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals we need every day for optimal health. But then the argument about needing more protein as we age to stimulate protein synthesis and all that…but still, wouldn’t it be better if it all came from plant sources? Or no? And why? I can’t find a clear answer but I’m clearly leaning in a direction! Thank you :)

Massages - how and why they work (or not?!)

I have experienced many kind of massages in my life - from very gentle to very robust, chiropractic stlye adjustments, deep tissue etc. Can you please comment on the scientific level, what happens when pressure is applied to a body spot? How stable is the change, if any? Thank you!

How does Research get decided?

Recently, I read a report by Goldman Sachs on the profitability of curing diseases. It was an interesting read that led me to wonder who decides what gets researched? Is it mostly privatized? Are there ways that we, as average people, can effectively drive the direction of research? If it is mostly privatized, what are ways in which we can democratize science and promote scientific interests that lean toward humanity's progress rather than profit? Seeing the impact of the microbiome on immunity and disease, as well as the efficacy of probiotics in small-scale studies, and the reasoning behind the inconclusively on the effectiveness probiotics being the "lack of research," how could we, as average people, drive science in the direction of more research on microbiome modulation?

Quantified Awakening Experiences

I am aware of several people doing rigorous academic research into states of awakening (Shinzen Young as an example) as well as emerging cross functional research groups studying contemplative practices. Could there be an episode (or few in a short series) on this emerging field? How to make sense of it and where the interesting findings and breakthroughs are happening?

is it ok to eat a large amout of protein at once or spread out during the day?

hey Andrew, long time listener and fan. I practice intermittent fasting and tend to eat all my meals in any where from 2-6 hours. i also work out 6-7 time a week in different sports (climbing, jiujitsu and yoga). i started to be more aware of the amount of protein i intake. i have tried to do my research and figure out is it ok to intake a big amount of protein all at ounce or is it useless because your body cant process that amount of protein all at once. i have come across different answers and it seems to be hard to find a definitive one. thank you very much in advance and have a great day, David