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Mastering Health Podcasting

Hello Dr. Huberman! I'm a host of a health and wellness podcast, inspired by your work and the Huberman Lab podcast. I'm reaching out with a few specific questions that I hope you might address in an upcoming AMA: - Podcast Preparation: What is your process for preparing each podcast episode, including selecting topics, guests, and content structure? - Scientific Research Strategies: How do you find, read, and extract useful information from scientific papers to present them in an accessible way to your audience? Your insights into these areas would be incredibly valuable to me as I continue to develop my podcast, aiming to emulate your example in putting out top quality scientific information. I'm grateful for any insights you can share.


I have noticed to be very sleepy after eating some fruits/cakes. So I did 3 tests for glucose lvl in my blood. It was significantly low in the morning (and even after taking glucose - there was drop to 30mg). Doctors said its hypoglycemia - I think you have not mentioned that yet on podcasts. I was most of the time on IF (starting 10h window at 12PM). Do you think it could be the reason ? I am very active person / female / 30 y.o.

Non-Death COVID Risks

Many articles/podcasts about COVID risk assessment seem to only care about death. They imply people who still worry about COVID are not doing so for scientific reasons when their risk of death is so low. But I’m not worried at all about death from COVID I’m worried about neurological or cardiac side effects and long COVID. I care specifically to learn what the risks /likelihood of outcomes are for fully vaccinated and boosted people of different age ranges and with different medical conditions considered relevant. For example I’m in good health and very active, follow all your guidelines but also have obesity and mild asthma. Have never had COVID so no immunity other than vaccines.


How about the psychology and neuroscience of comedy? There's gotta be some health benefits of laughter.

Tapping (EFT) Therapy: What the Research Says

Previously you’ve mentioned that EMDR has some scientific literature backing it up as an evidence-based therapy/practice. Does “tapping/EFT” therapy have any quality research backing it up? It’s my understanding that many of those practitioners claim a similar process/mechanism to EMDR, but I'm not sure if any of their claims are supported by quality research. Frankly, I was surprised to hear that EMDR showed such evidence, and it just got me thinking about other practices I may have dismissed. (My assumption was always that any benefits were tied to the more traditional aspects of psychotherapy or CBT they employ, but I wonder if any well-crafted experiments have been able to tease out causation).