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Chemo and radiation on developing brains

Would you be able to do a podcast on this issue? I know 2 children. One was 5 when diagnosed with brain cancer. The other was 1.5. The 1.5 year is now 10 but has substantial deficits in hearing, vision, speech, as well as not being able to walk on his own

Health impacts of using induction cooking method

Hi Andrew and team, Recently we built a new house and our builder was really pressuring me to get an induction cooker rather than gas. I feel like the method is still quite new and I’m curious what the induction method of cooking does to our food. Is there any research to indicate if this changes our food nutrients through the use of induction/magnetic heating. Is the science behind induction cooking similar to EMF exposure? Is there anything to indicate the latent health effects of gas vs induction cooking?

Creatine precursor GAA

Is it possible Guanidinoacetate is capable of raising creatine levels higher that Creatine monohydrate? Costwise it's not yet in the ballpark, but could it be an option if you can't stomach creatine? Or maybe it's a worthwhile addition to regular Creatine Monohydrate?


Could you please make an episode on bruxism... I've been grinding teeth my whole life to the point where I've destroyed a hard plastic tooth guard and consider also Botox into masseter... Are there other options to stop? What is the reason behind grinding?

Neurographic art

I recently heard about something called neurographic art - a type of art therapy that uses a drawing technique to link the conscience with the subconscious. Apparently, the link is made by activating connections between brain cells and neurons & the result is supposed to be an awareness & certain kind of mindfulness that helps turn stress into calm. It was coined by Russian psychologist Pavel Piskarev in 2014, from what I have read, and I would love your take on this. A podcast demonstrating it would be fascinating, along with a deep-dive into the science behind it. I would imagine there are opthalmologic components to this related to color and shape? Your input on this would be fascinating! Thanks! Coco Heidenreich