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The best science-advice to start your work

What is the best advice to start your work without delaying (procrastinating)? How can you do many things during the day, like some famous people who can get a lot done in one day/ week compared with others?

Exam season protocol

I was wondering if you could dedicate an episode towards exams in general, ranging from types of learning methods and how stay in the moment during exams lasting ¾ hours where every second matters?

Explaining dopamine to a 4 year old

How to talk to kids about hormones that affect our behavior? What are the key hormones to discuss and what would be the best way to give accessible examples to illustrate their importance?

Constant nightmares

What can be the reason for constant nightmares if you don’t live a very stressful life and how can they be treated? ;)

Antidepressants and sleep

It’s very interesting to me how the antidepressants affect our sleep, because when I started using them I started to dream a lot more and to talk a lot while sleeping. Also, after I reduced the dose (psychiatrist’s advice) I started to have nightmares almost every night. Can you please explain this briefly? Thank you!