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Disorienting time dilation during sleep and rebound on wake

Dreams, for me, can be hypervivid to the point where it creates memories that can be hard to differentiate from reality (that's just a descriptor, not the real problem). Rather, about 2-3 times per month, between 2 and 7 days pass in the dream state and I wake immensely disoriented with my body clock and memories adjusting to that "hallucinated" extra few days. The worst one recently was a three-month "hallucination", which was problematic for a few reasons. - In general, what causes the perception of time dilation? - Any idea what could be happening chemically?

Beta Glucan D3

Have you come across any interesting clinical studies on Beta 1, 3D Glucan? If not, where would be a good place for me to start researching? Thank you

Episode request: Early Childhood Education, Diet and Activities for newborns through toddlers

Would you please do an episode on what types of experiences I could expose my newborn to in order to foster brain and body development?

Cardiovascular disease

Would love you to explore atherosclerosis/atherogenesis with someone like Ron Krauss or Tom Dayspring

Avoiding Orthorexia / adverse effects of cognitive dietary restraint while making health changes

Avoiding Orthorexia / adverse effects of cognitive dietary restraint while making health changes. Pls reference this and other articles like it: